Update On The BASKETBOTTLE Competition Among League Teams

Update On The BASKETBOTTLE Competition Among League Teams

Every VTB United League arena has introduced plastic recycling this season and teams are competing to see who can recycle the biggest number of plastic bottles. Let’s check the results for March. You can also view the standings on БАСКЕТБОТЛ.РФ at any time.

PARMA has a huge lead in 1st place with 169 bags of plastic. Find out about their secret to success in the video. 

PARMA has also undertaken a city-wide recycling initiative, helping spread the BASKETBOTTLE campaign to an even wider audience.

Avtodor is in 2nd place with 89 bags. The club has organized recycling at both the Kristall Sports Palace and the reserve Zvezdny Sports Palace, where the team practices. A local recycling company, Mekhuborka – Saratov, is partnering with the club to remove the bags of recycled plastic. The local Saratov Basketball League has also joined the BASKETBOTTLE campaign, introducing recycling at youth tournaments throughout the city. The SBL has collected six bags so far and ranks last in the standings.


Repost from @bcavtodor ЗНАЕТЕ ЛИ ВЫ, ЧТО⁉️ ♻♻♻ ☑«Автодор» обошел БК «Химки» не только в турнирной таблице Единой Лиги ВТБ🔝 ☑А Макс @maxon4ikys ШЕЛЕКЕТО забивает невероятные «баззеры» не только в баскетбольные корзины 🎯 🏀🗑🍼 Уникальный экологический проект @basketbottle, запущенный в спортивном сезоне 2017-2018 @vtbleague на всех баскетбольных аренах, набирает обороты! На сегодняшний день БК «Автодор» собрал и при помощи @mehuborkasaratov отправил на переработку 8⃣9⃣ больших мешков с ПЭТ-бутылками, занимая промежуточное 🥈место в Открытом чемпионате по #Баскетботл! На счету нашего ближайшего преследователя🥉@khimkibasket 5⃣7⃣ мешков. Текущим лидером чемпионата является 🥇пермская @parmabasket, собравшая на переработку 1⃣2⃣8⃣ мешков. Спасибо болельщикам за активность! 👏 Играйте в #Баскетботл! 🏀🗑🍼 #разделяйправильно #баскетботл #раздельныйсбор #экотехнологии #мехуборка #мехуборкасаратов #баскетботлвезде #бкавтодор #bcavtodor

Публикация от #БАСКЕТБОТЛ (@basketbottle)

Khimki (57 bags) and UNICS (48 bags) are competing for 3rd place. CSKA is in 5th place with 42 bags, passing up Nizhny Novgorod (23 bags) last week. The Orbita Sports School (Dzerzhinsky) has 15 bags, Tsmoki-Minsk with 12 and Moscow sports center Playground sits in 9th place with 10 bags. Several more VTB United League clubs have been stockpiling plastic at their arenas with bag counts expected soon. 

The BASKETBOTTLE campaign is run by the VTB United League with support from SIBUR and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. EcoTechnologies is the company responsible for recycling the plastic. You can find out more about the project and its partners on БАСКЕТБОТЛ.РФ